David Ledesma Camacho ئاپەکان

Gamertag Generator 1.2
Are your tired of your old lame Gamertag oryou are creating your very first online gaming profile, but you arefresh out of ideas?Try Gamertag Generator, it will help you create that specialonline name that will strike fear into your adversaries... or atleast give them a good laugh.It will also let you check on Xbox Live if the name you want isalready taken.Also with the Manual Input Feature you can put in any name youcome up with and check if it´s Available.So what are you waiting for, download Gamertag Generator Today,you won´t regret it.
Nextsend 1.0.0
Nextsend es una nueva aplicación para enviarmensajes SMS a usuarios Nextel, solo es necesario introducir losdatos correspondientes y los 12 dígitos del número telefónico,incluyendo el código de país y área, el usuario lo recibirádirectamente en su teléfono como un SMS.Ideal para comunicarse sin gastar crédito con UsuariosNextelNota: Solo funciona para usuarios Nextel en México, el tiempo deentrega del mensaje depende enteramente del estado de la red deNextel.Nextsend is a newapplication to send SMS messages to users Nextel, you only need toenter the data and the 12 digit phone number, including country andarea code, the user will receive it directly to your phone as anSMS.Ideal to communicate without spending credit Nextel UsersNote: Only works for Nextel users in Mexico, the messagedelivery time depends entirely on the state of the Nextelnetwork.
Ultimate Dog Trainer 1.0
Ultimate dog trainer is a great app toassistyou in training your pet, it is design to emit a highfrequencysound that will get the attention of your pet.Or can be used as a corrective method.Please note that this app is not meant to hurt animals in anywayit´s just meant to assit you in their training please use itwithresponsibility.Note: You can also use it with an external speaker tomaximizeefficiency.
Binary Hour 1.1
The greatest Binary watch on the AndroidMarketis finally here, Binary Hour is a great binary clock greatfor allyou people out there who wants to have a clock only youcanunderstand.It has amazing and clean graphics, you can change the colorofthe clock, it has a visual aid in case you don´t know how toreadit and an explanation on how to read a Binary Clock.Download Binary Hour Today!!!
Generador de CURP y RFC 1.0
Atención: Valido solo para MéxicoGenerador de CURP y RFC, es la nueva aplicación que te ayudaraaconocer instantáneamente tu Clave Única de Registro dePoblación(CURP) y Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC), norequiereconexión a bases de datos o a internet. Resultadosinmediatos quepuedes compartir.Attention: Valid onlyforMexicoCURP Generator and RFC, is the new application that will helpyouinstantly know your Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)andFederal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), does not require connectiontodatabases or the internet. Immediate results that youcanshare.